Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Crazy Life Events

Can you call this the Perfect Storm?  Not if you live on this little island.  Weather systems are crazy.  There is no rhyme or reason as to how the storm clouds form and where they choose to touch ground.  Like with this cloud formation.      

In many other countries, the main source of transportation is riding a bicycle and not driving a car or truck.  Like with this guy.  He has work to do and needs his wheel barrow so how else can he take it with him but to carry it on his head.  

And this guy wonders why his number of fish keeps reducing.  I am sure kitty will never tell. 

Grandma, see what happens when you let Grandpa out of the house alone.  And here you thought he couldn't get into any trouble just driving down to the corner store to fill up the car with gas.  You thought wrong. 
TRANQUILITY at its best!

I think they call these water spouts.  Check out this tornado.  Too cool. 

Now this is one TIGHT squeeze!

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