Weedy Seadragon , is a marine fish related to the seahorse. It is the only member of the genus Phyllopteryx. It is found in water 3 to 50 m deep around the southern coastline of Australia, approximately between Port Stephens, New South Wales and Geraldton, Western Australia, as well as around Tasmania. Weedy Seadragons are named for the weed-like projections on their bodies that camouflage them as they move among the seaweed beds where they are usually found.
The weedy sea dragon may grow to be as big as 45 cm long, which is about 18 inches. They use their tube shaped snout to such up zooplankton and any other tiny crustaceans they can find including sea lice also called mysids.
Another relative of the weedy sea dragon is the leafy sea dragon. They look similar, but the leafy sea dragon has more leaf shaped appendages than weed like. The DNA has been studied to help determine their closeness
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