Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wierdest Buildings and Homes

When you first look at this building you initially thing something is wrong with your eyes or maybe you have had too much to drink.  I know, this would make a great picture to put in a bar and ask "IF THIS BUILDING LOOKS NORMAL TO YOU THEN YOU ARE DEFINITELY TOO DRUNK TO BE SERVED ANOTHER DRINK AND IT IS TIME TO GO HOME".

 I am EGG-cited about this building.  I wonder if they sell eggs?  

 A basket for a building---how creative is that?  Everyday at work would be yet another picnic.  

 This would be the perfect house in many areas of the U.S. as they claim they are "Upside Down" and want a modification.  If their house looked like this, I would definitely give them a GREAT mod!  

 When you see this one, you automatically think that this house MUST be somewhere in the Midwest.  Where else in the would would one live in a bowl?  JK! 

 Now this is innovative architecture!  One would hope that the supports were mighty strong.  Especially for those below. 

 Check this out, look really close, it IS a house!  

 This looks like it is in Scotland as it is such a rocky terrain. 

 This boot was NOT made for walking, it was made for living.  Maybe she is the old woman who lived in a shoe and had so many children that she did not know what to do? 

 This one looks like railroad cars all stacked up on top of one another.  What a concept! 

 This looks like an angry homeowner that was denied his loan modification and he just threw his house at the bank and look where it landed. 

 Do you think that maybe they went solar? 

 Wouldn't this be the coolest roller coaster? 

 Vegas Baby!  

 More Vegas -- and believe it or not, the experts claim that this pyramid was built so wrong that it is sinking a little bit each year.

 How would you like to live under this woman's skirt? HAHAHAHA

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